LIB =LIFE ISBETTERLIB = LIFE IS BETTER LIBtext ARTART LIMITED EDITION"YOU ARE"98 pieces onlyNumbered / Digitally registered AVAILABLE FROM APRIL 18thNOW AVAILABLE LIBtext ARTART LIMITED EDITION"YOU ARE"98 pieces onlyNumbered / Digitally registered AVAILABLE FROM APRIL 18thNOW AVAILABLE LIBtext SELFCreate your own original LIBtext pieceLimited to 200 pieces produced each monthNumbered / Digitally registered10% of the price to charity LIBtext SELFCreate your own original LIBtext pieceLimited to 200 pieces produced each monthNumbered / Digitally registered10% of the price to charity SHARE LOVE10% 10%SHARING: AlwaysEach item of ART and SELF collectionWe allocate 10% in charitable causes15% with SHARE collection